When should the application be prepared
NEW (since 23 January 2024) ED 413 thesis Committee will be meeting on a fixed date to evaluate the defence applications.
Applications must be sent !! at the latest 10 weeks !! before the defence and will be examined by the Thesis Committee. Please follow the timetable below to ensure that your defence application is processed by the Thesis Committee according to the given dates.
Deadline for submission of defence applications are as follows: 19 February, 15 April, 01 July, 16 September and 02 December 2024.
!! CALENDRIER 2025 !!
19 February 2025
15 April 2025
01 July 2025
16 September 2025
and 02 December 2025
Applications must be prepared at the latest 10 weeks ahead of defense.
For an oral examination between mid-August and first week of September, the application must be filed preferrably in June.
13 January 2017