PhD admission and registration
How to register
In any case, before starting registration, a personal contact with a PhD advisor is necessary (see Research Departments affiliated to the Doctoral School) to define a PhD thesis project and its associated funding.
Case 1 : You hold a university diploma delivered by a foreign university
Before registering, you will have to file an exemption application record (see below)
Case 2 : You hold a french master degree or DEA delivered by a french university
You have to :
Apply for admission :
Once you obtain your login and password by email, you must complete an online folder and specify the name of your future Research Department, the title of your thesis, the name of your supervisor.
You will also need to upload online:
an outline of the thesis project (3 pages)
a curriculum
a copy of your master’s degree or the validated exemption application, and your Master’s degree transcripts
a report of the interview signed by the PhD advisor, the Departement director (interview jury with 3 members from at least 2 of the Departments of the Doctoral School)
proof of funding (copy of the working contract or grant certificate or any another document that justifies a monthly income for at least 3 years)
the signed Doctorate Charter - the Charte does not need to be signed by ED 413 at this stage
the signed doctoral school rules
Once your file is completed it needs online approval by the PhD advisor and by the director of the Research Department
Then you must make an appointment with the director of the doctoral school to validate the whole application.
Then you will proceed to the second step called administrative registration.
4 April 2016